Our focus is on helping you enhance your “healthspan”—so you not only live longer but enjoy a richer, more vibrant life.
Here, we blend the best of modern science and timeless wisdom to help you feel your best, every day. It’s about understanding your unique biology and taking proactive steps today to safeguard your future.
Our world-class specialists will monitor your health journey over a period to guide and transform your overall health.
Starting with a comprehensive assessment of your biological age and unique health profile, including metabolic health, hormone levels, biomarkers of ageing and inflammation, microbiome, and genetic risk analysis, we develop a personalised plan with key recommendations to address the root causes of ageing.
Live The Life of Your Dreams
Working with you, with your specific genes, with your history and habits, and your goals, being proactive instead of reactive, helping you to outlive your life expectancy. Begin today. Embrace longevity medicine and take practical steps now to build a healthier, more fulfilling future for yourself. The only way to do that is to start thinking about it and taking action now.
You choose the package which suits your requirement for three months or six months
Meeting with Family Physician and Specialists
Lab Tests
Periodic Follow- ups
These packages are designed to cater to your individual needs, helping you feel rejuvenated, balanced, and ready to embrace each day with a smile.
Physician Visits
4Dietitian Visits
4Specialist Physician Visits
3Laboratory Investigations
BasicRepeat Laboratory Investigations
At 12 weeksInfusions
3Physician Visits
4Dietitian Visits
4Specialist Physician Visits
3Laboratory Investigations
BasicRepeat Laboratory Investigations
At 12 weeksInfusions
3Physician Visits
4Dietitian Visits
4Specialist Physician Visits
3Laboratory Investigations
BasicRepeat Laboratory Investigations
At 12 weeksInfusions
3Wellness is a journey to balance and vitality, where every step brings you closer to your best self.
Our Longevity Clinic provides you with a comprehensive medical assessment to evaluate your current health status as well as detecting risk factors for future diseases, to help create an individualized plan along with periodic follow up appointments, to give you the best health span. Part of this plan may include supplements or medications recommended to you by our Longevity Doctor. We also provide IV vitamin & mineral infusions, including NAD+, based on your health needs.
Longevity is based on being proactive about your health, helping you to feel your best now and in the future, through optimizing your sleep, exercise, metabolic and cardiovascular health, particularly for anyone over the age of 30. If you want to look and feel great, and to live as healthy as possible for as long as possible, with the ability to enjoy life to the max beyond your retirement age, then this clinic is for you.
As we age, the risks of developing metabolic, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer increases, and we all age at different rates with different risk profiles based on the way we live our life, our physical health, our genetics and family history. Our Longevity clinic can help identify these individual risks to help devise a personalized plan to prevent these diseases.
Our metabolic health encompasses a complex set of reactions that occur in our body 24 hours a day, including the conversion of food into energy, building and repairing our tissues and eliminating waste. When our metabolic health is compromised, this puts us at greater risk of accelerated ageing, including development of diseases such as diabetes, fatty liver and obesity. To assess this, we undertake blood tests to evaluate your sugar levels, liver and kidney function, thyroid and cortisol levels, uric acid, cholesterol levels, vitamin d and b12 levels, to develop a calibrated plan to optimize your metabolic health
Our Longevity clinic helps balance hormone levels through comprehensive testing, personalized plans, and targeted treatments, for example hormone replacement therapy. We also emphasize lifestyle and dietary changes to support hormonal health. Through on-going periodic monitoring, we ensure adjustments are made as needed for the most optimal results.
Our genetics are what makes each and everyone of us unique, and by understanding our genetic coding we can determine our own individual risks for developing future diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. We can use this knowledge to our advantage in our quest for Longevity, by taking proactive measures to prevent or delay the development of these age-related diseases, by making targeted adjustments in our lifestyle, our nutrition, our exercise and sleep to pave our way to a future as free from diseases and illnesses as possible.
Recent cutting edge scientific advances have made it possible for us to gauge our biological age with great accuracy. We can use the vital information to assess where we are now, and if the interventions we make on our health have made us younger than our chronological age. At our Longevity Clinic, we undertake a blood test which examines epigentic biomarkers and age-associated methylation patterns at approximately one million locations on your DNA, using the OMICm Age algorithm, to give the best prediction of your biological age.